Cards 252nd to 256th



252nd Card

Happily they went about their
business. Each one took the
others to hand, and told them
in turn: “This above That,
but only when Other. Not
between Who, but only if
Sad. When without Whistles
but lightly with Care. Some
before They and only
if Wise. Trouble not Taken
but Weathered and Weasely.
Some are for Bubbles and
_________________________ only if Cat.”


253rd Card

Weird and wild ways
and tremendous diff-
erences. The vast and
incredibly immutable
series of changes
wrought by the impe
rialist mice. Symbol-
ism of sweetness and
Always see top links
Cheer for beer and love
for haters. Do not go gently


254th Card

The Earth could run out of
oxygen beginning by 2100!
To meet the goals of the
Paris climate summit 90%
of remaining fossil fuels
must remain in the ground,
but the climate conference
is a nearly useless fraud.
100 billion pledged by rich
countries is not nearly
enough, but global fossil fuel
subsidies run to 5300 billion!

One of the links
“We Demand New Order”


255th Card

Each took the other to
hand and said: This above
That but only when Other,
Not between Which but
only if Who, Cat bestir
Reptiles when becoming
Twice, Theorems for
children and thence begot
Thrice. Nine before
Seven and only when
Sighs. and each before
_______________________ Other, but only if Hat!

256th Card

The method of refining
is Wine or Bust, the
Tools of refinishing are
Methodical and Kind, the
Arc of retraining is
sequenced by Numbers,
the Polity of the Ocean
is Far Away. The Night
of our fathers is our
New Day and the Angels
of Edgehill are Both and That!

One of the links:
Web of nifty art+words web pages

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